September 18, 2013

Confirmed TWINS!

We had our first ultrasound last Monday. Considering the outrageous beta counts I wasn't surprised to see two sacs.

 It's twins again!

Baby A:
128bpm and 6.1mm

Baby B:
126bpm and 7.1mm

We have a due date of May 9. We already know the genders of these little beans, but I'm not telling... yet anyway.


  1. Hooray. Congratulations to everyone!

  2. YAY! Congrats! Those are some strong little heart beats :)

  3. This is the most amazing news I've ever read on a blog! I've just read through your whole blog and been crying in my office on an off for the last hour. So great, makes one really consider surrogacy!

    1. Wow! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I'm so happy you are enjoying it. Surrogacy is definitely something to consider!

  4. Wow, super cool! Sorry I've been so out of the loop I've been running around after a very busy toddler...congratulations! You are just a week or so ahead of our very good friend, and our daughter's god mother...and she thinks she's having twins too! She gets her scan tomorrow. Fingers crossed...very happy for you and so happy you are helping other same sex couples start a family...warms my heart. <3
