June 15, 2011

Drum roll please....

Up until today we hadn't had a peek to see if both embryos actually stuck. My doctor believed it to be twins based on my Hcg levels. The number was high so twins were assumed. I arrived at the appointment yesterday around noon. First, I had a blood draw. Next, I had the ultrasound. I wasn't nervous at all. I knew it would show two babies. To my surprise, it showed three!!
.........................................................................................teehee...kidding!!! Two little peanuts are in there. They are measuring at 7 weeks 0 days. Baby left has a heartbeat of 129 and baby right has a heartbeat of 117. Very good! I have had ultrasounds before but never when the baby was this tiny. Watching the little flicker of the heartbeat was beautiful. Of course, I couldn't make much out except for the flickering heartbeats. Enjoy some pictures:

Both babies
 Baby Left
 Baby right

My guess is that Roy's baby is left (baby a) and Avner's baby is right (baby b). I was excited to learn that I will be a "frequent flyer" (as the ultrasound tech stated) in the ultrasound department.
After the ultrasound, I met with an OB doctor. He went over the reasons why it was a good thing that these twins were considered didi twins. Which means they are completely separate and not identical twins. We pretty much already knew that but I suppose there was a small chance one of the embryos could have split. We went over the due date which is estimated to be January 31. Once my next appointment was scheduled, they needed more lab work so I was sent down for 2 more blood draws and a urine test.

I was emailing the guys in between appointments, updating them with this terrific news. Because of work conflicts they were not able to be on speakerphone during the appointments. I know they desire very much to be at the appointments but with the distance between us that is obviously not possible. It's important that the guys feel they are part of this process. They are always interested in how the appointments went and how I feel. I am always eager to share.

For today, I am feeling less nauseous. It's still lingering but I'll take it. Hoping each day gets better and better.  I am still tired but that is to be expected... my body is a little busy growing babies.

That's all for now.  :)

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